Child & Family Development Child & Family Development

October 20, 2014

Kati Berlin, Occupational Therapist recommends the Bouncy Band

Kati Berlin, OTR/L and the other occupational therapists on the Child and Family Development team often recommend adding a piece of Theraband (elastic exercise band) to the legs of a desk so that a school-aged child can ‚Äúfidget‚Äù and kick the band during class instruction, rather than engaging in more disruptive activities to get in needed movement.

One draw back to using the Theraband is that they do make noise when kicked, but this new band is advertised to be silent. So, she was thrilled to find this alternative: Bouncy Band!

We are suggesting this option for kids with ADD or other attention deficits and are awaiting parent or teacher feedback.  Have you seen one in a classroom yet?

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